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We are looking forward to sharing the magic of winter in Algonquin with you and are working hard to ensure that we can do so in a way that is safe and healthy for everyone. A huge amount of planning and preparation goes into our trips and the added challenges of Covid-19 safety have made this year no exception. If there is one thing working with dogs and living in the outdoors has taught us, it's adaptability! 

Dog Sledding Canoeing Algonquin Park

We understand that Covid-19 has affected us all in various ways. Fresh air, exercise and outdoor activity are vital for both physical and mental health and Snow Forest Adventures wants to ensure that everyone who joins us this winter is kept safe. Please review the protocols we have put in place to minimize the risks associated with Covid-19.


Pre Trip

We are not regulated by the government or health unit to require proof of vaccination, however, because Covid 19 can be spread regardless of vaccination status, all guests must confirm that they are symptom-free for 14 days prior to your expedition with us.  Each participant will be required to complete our online screening form in advance of arrival. This will be sent to you 48 hours in advance of your trip and must be completed and returned prior to your arrival. (*Our staff is required to screen daily as well)


Meeting & Transportation

Our trips begin with clients and guides meeting at our trailhead in Algonquin Park. We do not offer guest transport of any kind so it is up to you to get yourself there. Once you arrive at the trailhead there will be nobody present who is not directly associated with your trip.


If you arrive at the trailhead for your trip displaying symptoms of Covid 19 it may be necessary for us to take your temperature using a touchless thermometer. If you are found to have a fever as well as symptoms you will not be permitted to participate.



Participants will be asked to wear a mask from time to time during their trip (in shared indoor spaces or when working closely with those outside of their household), so please bring a mask for use during these times.

Anyone who arrives for a trip without proper PPE, or is unable/unwilling to wear proper PPE will be refused participation as a matter of safety.


Group Size

The maximum number of people on any trip is Eight. (6 guests and 2 SFA Staff), which falls under the Provincial restriction of 10 people for outdoor gatherings.


Rental Gear

We are renting Sorel Glacier Boots, Sleeping Bags and Sleeping Pads.

Rented gear will be packed into a duffel bag and marked with your name.

Your boots will be outside the duffels and marked with your name.

All rented gear will be disinfected between uses using an alcohol solution of 80%, and left out to air for 48 hours between uses.



Trip staff who handle food must first wash their hands with soap and water then sanitize before handling any food. N95 grade masks must be worn while food prep is taking place.

We will be using a 3 bin dishwashing system - Rinse, Wash, Sanitize.


On The Trail

While travelling on the trail, physical distancing is very easily and naturally achieved. No person will be on a dog sled with anyone who is not part of their group/household. If it is necessary for one of our one of our staff to assist you on your sled they will wear a mask.  In the unlikely event of an emergency where a guest needs to be evacuated from the trip/trail, it will be done using the snowmobile with the person being evacuated riding safely and securely in the snowmobile trailer.


In Camp

Accommodation will be assigned by group. (e.g. If you travelled to the trailhead together, you will share a tent with those you travelled with). Each tent can sleep up to 6 people comfortably. Cots are provided for sleeping and will be sanitized on the last day following use. SFA staff will sleep separately from guests, although they will be required to enter guest tents from time to time to ensure safe operation of the wood stoves. (Guests are not permitted to operate the wood stoves themselves for safety reasons). When staff are required to enter a guest accommodation they will wash/sanitize their hands first and wear a mask.


In camp and especially at meal times, we set up a hand washing station with soap and hot water,

and hand sanitizer. Meals will be eaten outdoors around the fire or in your individual tents depending on weather. Depending on government restrictions at the time of your trip, guests may be invited to gather in the kitchen tent with proper PPE following meals.


Our bathroom kits are provisioned with sanitizer, however we do encourage everyone to use the hand washing station after going to the bathroom to ensure proper hygiene. Outhouses will be equipped with spray sanitizer for surfaces and will be monitored by staff for cleanliness and sanitization protocols.


Post Trip

Any client who tests positive for Covid 19 within 14 days of their dogsled trip is asked to inform Snow Forest Adventures so that we may endeavour to inform the others on your trip so they are able to get tested and self-isolate.

Have questions about our Covid-19 Safety Protocols and Procedures that are not covered here?

Email us at

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